PRP Therapy in San Ramon, CA

platelet rich plasma in san ramon ca

PRP Therapy in San Ramon, CA, uses a portion of the patient’s blood to promote healing and tissue restoration. Blood is drawn from the patient during the treatment, and platelets are concentrated using a centrifuge before being reinjected into the target area. PRP is rich in growth factors that stimulate cellular growth, collagen production, and tissue repair. It can be used to treat a variety of areas, including the scalp for hair loss, the face for rejuvenation and scars, and joints for pain relief.

PRP is suitable for individuals seeking a natural approach to anti-aging, those experiencing hair loss, or anyone looking to speed up the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. The outcome depends on the treatment area and individual health factors, but typically, results are noticeable within a few weeks, and the effects can last for several months or longer with proper care and follow-up treatments. If you want to explore how PRP can benefit you, book an appointment at Solei Clinic Aesthetics & Wellness in San Ramon, CA, to learn more about PRP and begin your journey toward natural rejuvenation and healing.

PRP Face Lift


PRP uses your body’s growth factors to enhance skin texture and hair growth. The treatment involves injecting concentrated platelets into targeted areas to promote natural healing and rejuvenation.

Benefits of PRP include

  • Accelerates healing of injured tissues.
  • Promotes hair growth.
  • Improves skin texture and tone.
  • Reduces joint pain and degeneration.
  • Enhances collagen production.
  • Minimizes scars and hyperpigmentation.
  • Offers a natural alternative to synthetic substances.
  • Uses the body’s biological material.
  • Minimal risk of allergic reaction.
  • Quick recovery time.

Areas of treatment include

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PRP injections can enhance skin tone and texture, leading to a natural lifting effect as increased collagen production helps tighten and firm sagging skin without surgery.

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(Face and Neck)

PRP stimulates the production of collagen and cell turnover, which can help smooth fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin firmness and texture for a rejuvenated look.

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Dark Spots

( Face and Hands)

By promoting skin renewal through increased collagen and elastin production, PRP lightens dark spots and evens out skin tone, making these areas less noticeable.

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Hair Loss and Thinning


PRP treatment for the scalp involves injecting platelet-rich plasma into areas of thinning hair to stimulate inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase, enhancing hair density and strength.


Individuals with signs of aging, hair loss, or soft tissue injuries are good candidates for PRP.

Improvements may be noticeable within a few weeks after the treatment, and they will gradually increase as the body’s tissues repair and regenerate.

The effects of PRP can last for several months and may vary depending on the individual and the treated condition.

PRP typically involves minimal downtime, and side effects are usually limited to mild swelling and bruising at the injection site.

Before PRP, avoid anti-inflammatory medications and inform your clinician about any health conditions. After the treatment, follow the clinician’s advice for care, including avoiding strenuous activity for a few days if necessary.

During a PRP Treatment in San Ramon, CA, blood is collected and processed to concentrate the platelets. The PRP is injected into the treatment area, which may cause mild discomfort. The procedure usually takes about an hour, including preparation and recovery time.

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